Sunday, February 22, 2009


Robin said...

OF COURSE your felt bag is much MORE AWESOME seen and touched in person, but this is a not-bad picture of it! Nice to see it again!

Love your ATCs. Favorite is "Within Reach" because of the words... it's a very positive spin on everything! So my big question is what's with the beads???? I know they're cut out pieces of paper, not real beads... but what are they from????? They're great!

I get to paint on Tues and Wed next week, with a friend... maybe there will be some ATCs to trade!

Love, Robin

Sabine said...

The bag clearly is a lovely piece of art, and I also like the fun ATCs. Not only your BJP pieces, but obviously anything you make is truly "Julie style", which I adore for the ideas, spontaneity, and colours.

Your big fan,