Friday, August 28, 2009


With August I wanted to get all things I love in one scene. I still think of Yellowstone because it has mountains, water, flowers rock that all just fit together. Sometimes there is turbulence, sometimes there is calm. But there is always beauty. We have to stop and put some space between ourselves and the object so we can possibly understand it and not be so afraid. If we can remov ourselves from the muck we can see beauty. Im thankful for this. Im at a very early stage of understanding this so my writing isnt totally clear but Im moving forward and with this I can feel "The Sunlight of the Spirit".


Brenda said...

Another beautiful piece to end your year. I love the flower sequins.

Thank you for letting me be a part of your life. I bless the day we met. Your beady sister!

a2susan said...

The Sunlight of the Spirit is such as apt title for this page. And it's so interesting, the colors and textures you used are very organic feeling.

Anonymous said...

So imaginative and beautiful!

Marty S said...

All the textures and different kinds of beads work so well together. And it's a great title. I looked at the enlarged photo, but I couldn't figure out what the "seaweed" was. what did you use for that? It is very effective.
Marty S
Crackpot Beader

Susan Elliott said...

I have always felt your spirit and the light that shines within you on each one of your pieces. I very much admire the carefree, organic and truly improvisational way that you bead. I am often surprised and delighted by your beadwork. Thanks for sharing a great year.

KV said...

Ah, this is wonderful! One of my favorite places that we have visited and you captured it beautifully.

Kathy V in NM

pam T said...

These are all beautiful. I agree with Susan (plays with needles) - your spirit seems to shine through in ALL your work. Thank you for sharing! Hope you will be back for 2010!

Robin said...

If this isn't Sunlight of the Spirit, I don't know what is! No matter about the right words, you've completely said it with this piece. You have such a gift for combining different elements (natural, plastic, stone, fibers... you name it!) in a pleasing way, Julie!!! Bravo!

flyingbeader said...

Wow the textures as making my fingers itch to touch.