Friday, August 28, 2009


With August I wanted to get all things I love in one scene. I still think of Yellowstone because it has mountains, water, flowers rock that all just fit together. Sometimes there is turbulence, sometimes there is calm. But there is always beauty. We have to stop and put some space between ourselves and the object so we can possibly understand it and not be so afraid. If we can remov ourselves from the muck we can see beauty. Im thankful for this. Im at a very early stage of understanding this so my writing isnt totally clear but Im moving forward and with this I can feel "The Sunlight of the Spirit".

July: The Wren

Though I like the theme of my July piece I couldnt really figure out how to portray art wise so I feel its rather childlike. I decided to leave it though since simplicity is kind of my subject matter. I had a pair of wrens that were kind enough to nest in my front yard. We really had to readjust our front yard activities to avoid their house and not disturb them-believe me they let us know if we got to close. I became very vigilant every day to check on their progress. I saw how hard they work to raise a family. My ultimate thrill was going to be watching the babies fledge. One morning I went out with my coffee to watch and to my surprise they were all gone. It was totally quiet. I was really disappointed but also thought about how I was able to stop and listen to their song which is very powerful for a small bird, hear their chattered scolding, and just get out of my head for a time. I feel really honored that they chose my yard. I really learned from it.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

June 09

In keeping with my theme of feeling the "Sunlight of the Spirit" I was feeling huge respect and appreciation for rain, something we here in St. Paul have not had much of. I eventually decided to do a piece in green representing all things in my garden-fragrance, flowers , foliage and growth. As I was beading I started tuning in to feelings inside of me that felt calm, quiet, content, satisfied . ..It was strangely unfamiliar but felt it was very important to stay with it and not be afraid . So this piece is called GROWTH because I do in fact notice a change.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Saturday, June 20, 2009

May 09 My May piece was an experiment for me. This tulip was in my garden this spring. It was one of the last tulips to bloom. I just loved the colors of this tulip. It just grabbed me with just the right shade of pink with just the right shade of yellow. I was just captivated by its beauty,stunning. I took pictures of it one day and became aware of how by looking at it I was able to think about just the flower, nothing else. I had a quiet mind for even a couple minutes. I have to work hard at being mindful so if it happens without trying I better pay attention. I decided I would do my May BJP on this tulip.. Because of this tulip I was able to feel the Sunlight of the Spirit . For this Im grateful. I dont usually like yellows so I had to shop for just the right yellow and just the right pink. I painted my fabric with the colors I needed and had a beautiful pink and yellow ribbon that I found in my stash of ribbons. Its not a tulip but a representation of something beautiful.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

april 09

This is my April piece. I felted the tulip onto some handdyed fabric. Its green but it shows blue. I love tulips and wait all winter for them. Here in St.paul, Mn they were very welcome to my eyes. we have not had a great spring. Its been cold, and not as wet as we'd like. We are already down on our moisture. The advantage of the cool though is the tulips have lasted so long. I am feeling excited to spend my summer in my garden. Julie

Sunday, April 12, 2009

March BJP I could not even sit to bead for a while..I sometimes struggle with intense anxiety so its hard to be still. I could not think of :the sunlight of the spirit". Then I was getting anxious because I was getting behind. Finally I decided to bead my anxiety. I hand painted some Lutradur that I bought from Quilting Arts on line store. Pretty fun. Then I melted it with a heat gun. I did some stamping as well. I tried to figure which colors radiate anxiety...Who knows. It may be a little orderly for anxiety but I think it may have put a space between my anxiety and my person. I messed around with some texture ,the ups and downs and arounds.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

February A beginning

Feb09-Im working on a difficult issue in my life. Somehow I need some help the Big Book of Alcoholics Anoymous , page 12 it says "it was only a matter of being willing to believe in a Power greater than myself. Nothing more was required of me to make my beginning. " I felt some relief while reading this so I decided to do my Feb piece on this. I found a fabric I wanted to use. I wanted to work in a color I dont love to push my comfort level a little. I used some gold angelina and felted it into the fabric. I just beaded on top of this. I didnt know what would happen, infact throughout most of it I did not have a plan. I did play with some stitches From Robins book. I used the small bugle beads in the lower left corner to make what turned out to be dahlis. I tepeed them. I really like the effect,though close up all you can see is the flaw of the thread between the beads. I want to work with this a little. My objective while working on this piece was to feel the presence of "something other then me. This was my exercise. It helped some but as they say progress not perfection. I need to become willing in order to allow in the Sunlight of the Spirit. This is a beginning for me.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I wanted to share what I did over the last month of this cold, cold winter. I made about 15 ATC's to give away to whomever. It was fun. It took me away. I have also been wet felting. This is the first bag I ever made. I added some vintage handles for it. I love the craft of felting but it is very timeconsuming.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

January Work

This month my subject is on authenticity, or being" true to my heart".. The tip starts with the white -being my true self. As I go along in my day I get involved with all the negative self talk, or the shoulds or the shouldnts, or the too high expectations, or the Im so specials...I then find myself totally spinning out of control. Im agitated, anxious, name it. Eventually I become aware of what Im doing and make a decision to change what Im doing and take a deep breath, watch my thoughts and realize what my values are.I know I have learned the tools to get back to my authentic self which is the bottom part of the heart(the white section). I do not always do this but I try, try, try. Thats the beauty of a 12 step program-its a continuous process. I always have the option. So here is "be true to my heart".

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hi there everyone. Ive finished my Dec. piece. Being that it was the xmas month I thought of giving -mostly of myself rather than an item. In Alcohlics Anonymous we have a pledge that many mtgs open or close to. Its called the responsibility pledge. It is"If anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hands of AA always to be there. For that I am responsible. Its really how AA works. We give to others and we get the benefit of helping others as well as helping ourselves by getting out of ourselves. In busy lives its hard to do this but in my opinion its what makes the world go round. Have a peaceful 2009 everyone. Julie

More on this piece later...